How does joining water ski benefit students?
By joining the water ski team, UT students get the opportunity to meet other students from colleges across the nation and travel to places they haven't been to before. They get to join a supportive community of people who love to spend time outdoors and compete at a national level.
What is our ultimate goal?
Water skiing is a fun, but expensive sport. Consequently, some students cannot join the team due to the cost. To make water skiing a more equitable sport, our team needs to fundraise to lower the average cost of each skier. With your donation, we would be one step closer to competing without financial burden. Through this goal, we are hoping to jump-start a new competitive edge for our team and bring back Texas as a leading force in the world of waterskiing.
What are we going to do with the money we raise?
Our team faces yearly costs that include hosting a tournament in the fall, traveling to other South Central regional tournaments, and replacing old ski equipment with newer, safer options as we increase the number of new people we bring into this sport. If we raise enough money, we may look at buying a new boat for the team.
We would appreciate your support in achieving these goals.
Give $1 for every inch high the jump ramp is! The height of a collegiate jump ramp is 5ft (60 inches) above the water.
Your gift will help cover our team's competition fees for the 2023 season.
Your donation will help us improve our equipment for the 2023 year. In exchange for your generous gift, your name will be featured on our website.
Help us expand our team across the 40 acres! Receive all previous gifts and a personalized video from our team.
Your generous gift will contribute to our efforts to buy a new boat for our team! In exchange, you will have the opportunity to come out and ski on Lake Frameswitch and receive all previous gifts.