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Sportfish Science on the Coastal Bend

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 05, at 11:55 PM CDT
Project Owners

Thank you from the Coastal Fisheries Research Program!

October 08, 2018

Hello everyone!


Our HornRaiser campaign for our Sportfish Science on the Coastal Bend project has officially ended after 4 weeks of fundraising! Thanks to our friends, families, ambassadors, and donors we were able to raise a grand total of $13,340! Through HornRaiser, we were able to connect with the local community, reach out to old friends, and form new partnerships, for which we are all grateful. 


HornRaiser funds are needed to support CRFP’s cooperative fisheries research with local anglers and charter fishers to conduct the science needed to help maintain our thriving fisheries resources. Funds will support hiring fishermen to participate in the research, purchasing research supplies and materials for fieldwork,and increasing the frequency and number of surveys to monitor the effects that Hurricane Harvey had on regional sportfish populations.


If you would like to keep up to date with daily lab activities, please follow our social media accounts: 





If you would like to learn more about our research, lab members, and view our information videos, please visit our website:  

Thank you from the Coastal Fisheries Research Program!




September 19, 2018

Welcome to Week 3 everyone! 


Thank you to all of our generous donors who have brought us to $5,390!!! We are 35% of the way to our goal - help us reach 50% by next Wednesday to keep our momentum going! Please donate and share our project!


Keep tuned to our social media channels and website to see daily lab updates: 


Facebook:    @cfrputmsi

Instagram:   @cfrp_utmsi

Twitter:  @cfrp_utmsi


Questions about our research? Learn more at our website!


Thank you and HOOK EM'!


The Coastal Fisheries Research Program


September 07, 2018

Week One Update!


THANK YOU to our generous donors and ambassadors! We have raised 7% of our goal in online donations!


We still have a ways to go, so please share our project on social media and/or donate – we love spreading the word about our local research! Be sure to check out our social media accounts to follow our daily lab life:


Facebook:    @cfrputmsi

Instagram:   @cfrp_utmsi

Twitter:  @cfrp_utmsi


Questions about our research? Learn more at our website!


Thank you and HOOK ‘EM!

The Coastal Fisheries Research Program

Choose a giving level


Spotted Seatrout

Your contribution will provide us with the proper gear for gonad sampling trips. We work with local anglers to find the best spots for sampling, which we use to assess egg production during the spawning season. These sampling trips allow us to learn about fish behavior and locations from fishers, and teach fishers how to take scientific samples. Fishers enhance our work and are integral to our research.



Each hydroacoustic survey costs $100. Your support ensures that we will be able to go out and conduct an extensive survey of the Aransas Channel using our state-of-the-art Echosounder.


Red Drum

Your gift allows us to engage our local fishing community in our research. $500 will provide our program with one day on the water with a local fishing guide, where we can gather reproductive samples for histology and otoliths (fish ear bones) used for aging.


Red Snapper

Your contribution will help buy an underwater microphone, the most important part of a hydrophone. The microphone itself is covered in antifouling paint, attached to a sophisticated computer in an airtight canister, and set to record for one minute every ten minutes. This allows us to listen in on spawning activity throughout the bays and channels surrounding Port Aransas. Our lab will send you a personalized, signed postcard thanking you for your generous gift.


Yellowfin Tuna

Your generous gift will provide us with one fully funded year of hydroacoustic surveys! Our lab is happy to send you a personalized postcard and add your name to our list of donors on our website.


Blue Marlin

Your generous gift will allow us to conduct hydroacoustic surveys for two entire years. This allows for our research to be robust, long term, and financially secure – every scientist’s dream! On your next trip to Port Aransas, please join us for a boat trip.

Our Crowdfunding Groups