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Assessing Retention in Sand Crab Populations

Raised toward our $14,200 Goal
28 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 05, at 07:00 PM CST
Project Owners


December 14, 2015

Thanks so much to all of you for participating in this funding drive.  Although we were not able to reach our target, this was a fun activity and we learned a lot through it. In addition, I want to mention that we will keep the money that was collected and we will use it towards the retention study.  Luckily, we have applied to other sources of funding that will allow us to complete the project. I will keep you posted through this venue on how our research is coming along. Talk to you next January!  Happy Holidays!



Only two more days left!

December 03, 2015

Thanks so much for contributing to our project! Please share with your friends that you have donated to this initiative.  It will sure help us obtain more funds!



We can now extract DNA for 50 individuals!

November 28, 2015

Thanks so much to everybody that has contributed so far! Your generous contribution is now allowing us to extract DNA of 50 sand crabs!! This is a major milestone.  Thanks for continuing to spread the word!

We crossed the 1 K boundary!

November 28, 2015

Thanks so much to everyone for helping us cross the 1K boundary in our crowdfunding initiative.  Let's go for the 2K one!!

Can I receive updates on how my money is being used for your research?

November 04, 2015

Yes! Through this platform we will continue to update our generous donors and the public in general about how our genetic studies are coming along and the results we are getting.  Expect these updates next Spring when we start our project. 

What are the benefits to society from this research?

November 04, 2015

One of my donors asked this important question.  Our research will ultimately help us better understand what defines the range limits of species.  This knowledge is key to solving major current problems in society.  For example, we need to understand range limit to halt the spread of emerging diseases like Ebola or Lyme disease, of non-native species like fire ants or the Gecko in North America, and to effectively predict the effects of global climate change effects on the well-being of species.  

You generous contributions will allow us to continue using the sand crab Emerita analoga as a target species in our quest to understand species ranges. 




Thanks and help us spread the word!

October 29, 2015

Thanks to all of you early donors! Your amazing help is what makes this effort happen. Please continue helping us spread the word. 

Choose a giving level


Egg Stage

Your contribution will support DNA extraction for one sand crab individual


Larval stage

Your contribution will allow us to complete DNA sequencing of 10 individuals


Megalopa Stage

Your contribution will support the development of two genetic markers


Young adult stage

Your contribution will cover the shipping costs of 160 sand crab individuals


Adult Stage

Your contribution will support the development of 5 genetic markers


Population Level

Your contribution will cover DNA extraction for 50 individuals


Metapopulation Level

Your contribution will support the full costs of the laboratory supplies and equipment use for the genetic study


Geographic Range Level

Your contribution will support five months of salary for an undergraduate research assistant

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