Thanks to all donors!!! And thanks to all
students who have reconnected over
the past week!
We are now into week two of our four-week
fundraising campaign! Join the effort!
Your gift of $50 will provide materials for undergraduates to explore new magnetic and superconducting compounds and crystals!
Your gift of $100 will provide for two low-temperature SQUID magnetic measurements, or will buy a major fiber-optic component!
Your gift of $200 can permit a 3He cool-down to 0.3 K for quantum transport measurements, or buy a bunch of crystal substrates for epitaxial films!
Your gift of $500 will provide one undergraduate with a 5-hour/week semester-long research fellowship!
Your gift of $1000 will provide one undergraduate with a 10-hour/week semester-long research fellowship, or provide high magnetic fields for four months of research for many!
Your gift of $2000 will provide high-purity gases for pulsed laser deposition of films, or a 20-hour/week summer undergraduate research fellowship in magnetism and superconductivity!