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Because every vote matters. Please support TX Votes!

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
183 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 19, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Less than 24 hours to donate & stretch goal surpassed

April 18, 2019

Thank you so much to each and every one of you who has donated in support of TX Votes over the last 30 days! We are blown away by your support and kindness. Thank you!


We are in our last 24 hours of fundraising, with the Hornraiser ending at 9 am tomorrow morning. If you know someone who has considered donating, but hasn't yet, please encourage them to do so before tomorrow morning.


Thanks to your support, we blew away our stretch goal of $7,476 this morning. Just wow! Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. We will make your proud next year as we work to recruit more members of TX Votes, to train more students as Volunteer Deputy Registrars, register more students to vote, and provide more nonpartisan information about voting and democracy throughout the school year.


TX Votes' #UT40for40 Success and New Stretch Goal

April 09, 2019

Wow! Just wow! In less than 40 hours, we raised and won a combined $5,423 thanks to your incredible support! We worked hard and won the following challenges for a total of $2,250 in prize money:

  • Best Selfie by Benji Martinez with Hook 'Em
  • Five States in the State Challenge
  • Most Donations in One Hour

Since we've surpassed our fundraising goal, but still have nine days left to fundraise, we are announcing a stretch goal of $7,476 in honor of the day the Declaration of Independence was approved.


Thank you so much! We could not have done it without you!


You have helped raise 10% of our fundraising goal in less than 12 hours!

March 20, 2019

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our Hornraiser so far! Because of people like you, we have already reached 10 percent of our fundraising goal (in less than 10 hours!!!). Please consider sharing our message with others you think love voting as much as we do. We are posting about the Hornraiser on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Thank you so much!


The TX Votes Family

Choose a giving level


Cold Drinks for Orientation

Cold drinks shared with incoming freshmen during summer orientation recruitment out on the very hot Gregory Plaza.


Fund a Member for a Semester

Support one TX Votes Member for one semester. This will allow a member to participate in activities, meet speakers, and fund materials for one semester.


Fund a Member for a Year

Support a TX Votes Member for one year. This will allow a member to participate in activities, meet speakers, and fund materials for one year.


Fund One TX Votes Meeting

Support one TX Votes meeting. At our meetings, we invite speakers, talk about the best ways to help UT students become civically engaged, and grow our community on campus.


Fund Five Members for a Year

Support five TX Votes Members for one year. This will allow the members to participate in activities, meet speakers, and fund materials for one year.


Fund Conference Attendance

Fund the travel accommodations and conference fees for one student to attend a conference like the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting or the Harvard IOP National Campaign Conference.


Fund CEA for One Year

The Civic Engagement Alliance is a non-partisan coalition of student groups, which TX Votes has brought together to increase civic engagement on campus. In 2016, CEA members came together to register over 17,000 people to vote.


Fund TX Votes for a Semester

TX Votes organizes events for students, holds meetings, leads the Civic Engagement Alliance, and encourages civic participation for all students across the UT campus. This will help us fund these efforts for a semester.


Fund TX Votes for a Year

This would fully fund TX Votes meetings, events, and all supplies for a year.

Our Crowdfunding Groups