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Texas Guadaloop

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
34 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 19, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Final Texas Guadaloop HornRaiser Update

April 21, 2019

We surpassed our goal! 123%, way to go! 


Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to our project through donations or simply by taking the time to learn more about it. We really appreciate it and we want to assure you that it will make a difference in the lives of our members, the transportation industry and the future of transportation research at The University of Texas at Austin.


Keep an eye out for what is to come from Texas Guadaloop, we will be making some big announcements soon and updating you all about the progress made this semester, as well as what we will be working on during the 2019-2020 Fall/Spring semesters. If you want to be in the loop be sure to follow us on social media and keep an eye out for our next newsletter, which will be reaching your email inbox in a couple of weeks. 


What Starts Here Changes The World


Thank you for your support, 

Texas Guadaloop


Texas Guadaloop HornRaiser Update 3

April 12, 2019

First, thank you very much to the 32 people who have donated to our project and have given us the opportunity to keep this endeavor going. We really appreciate your support and want you to know that it will make a difference in the lives of our members and in the future of transportation. 


We only have 6 days left and we are at 22% of our goal. Even though it seems impossible, we still believe and we will continue to believe. We are working hard to reach our objective and are still confident that we will reach it. If you want to keep supporting us, you can do so by sharing our project and campaign with your friends. 


Thank you again for your support and for helping us change the world, 

Texas Guadaloop



#UTHyperloop #buildthefuture



Texas Guadaloop HornRaiser Update 2

April 01, 2019

Thank you again to everyone who has been supportive of our project, we are very excited to see that so many people are interested in what we are doing and want to give us a hand in achieving our objectives. Your help is what allows us to innovate and to try to change the world, we thank you for that. 


We are currently at 17% of our objective with 17 days left. It will be difficult to reach the 10K mark, but we will work hard to try to achieve it. If you know anyone who would be interested to learn more about our project, this is the time to let them know. Help us spread the word about Texas Guadaloop and the work we are doing here at The University of Texas at Austin. You can do this by sharing our campaign and/or your contribution through your social media. 


Thank you again for the support, it means the world to know that we have your backing! 


Let's keep trying to change the world! Hook'Em!


#UTHyperloop #buildthefuture



Texas Guadaloop HornRaiser Update 1

March 23, 2019

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who has been supportive of our project. You are providing our team with the means to advance our learning and innovative possibilities, all of your contributions will make a difference in the lives of our members and one day, on the future of transportation.


We have reached the 10% mark, which is very good news, but we are looking to keep growing and expanding our project. In order to reach our objective, we will need to keep reaching out and keep spreading the word about Texas Guadaloop. If you know anyone who might be interested in helping with the project, we encourage you to send them through to our campaign. 


Again, big thank you to everyone who has already donated, it means a lot to our team. 



Texas Guadaloop. 

Choose a giving level


To Dallas and Beyond

How quickly hyperloop will get you to Dallas, in minutes.



The number of bolts on one of our pods called Furiosa.


Beep Beep

The number of hours the average Austinite spent in traffic last year.


T(h)ank You

The amount of money the average American spends putting gas in their tank each month.


Now we are movin'

How fast, in mph and theoretically, the Hyperloop will be able to travel.


Mopac Mo' Problems

The amount of money traffic costs Austinites each year.


Baby Elon

Almost a fully grown Elon.


Fully Grown Elon Musk

Wow. Thank you.

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