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Biology of Birds Field Trips

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 24, at 08:59 AM CDT
Project Owners

Last day!

March 08, 2016

Thank you all for supporting Biology of Birds field trips. Here are a few pictures from our first trip to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Students got dinners paid from your donations. With the recent added support, we will be able to cover more costs this spring at High Island - Bolivar.

The students really appreciated your support.

Thanks again.




February 11, 2016
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

First donors

February 11, 2016

Up to 23% already after 3 days. Thanks! We appreciate your support.

Choose a giving level


Green Jay

Buy dinner for a hungry student who spent half the day running through salt marsh looking for rails.


Roseate Spoonbill

Buy dinner for 2-3 hungry students. They see more birds when fed.


Plain Chachalaca

Fund a hotel room for 2-4 students for one night. Zzzzzzz. You will get a signed thank you note from supported students.


Peregrine Falcon

Fund 2-4 students' hotel room for two nights. They will need the rest. You will get a signed thank you note from the class.


Cerulean Warbler

You generous support will fund 4-8 students' food and lodging for the weekend. You will get a signed trip bird list, a thank you note from the class, and a copy of our trip portrait from the field.


Pomarine Jaeger

You generous support will fund 8-16 students for the weekend trip. You will get a signed trip bird list, a thank you note from the class, and a copy of our trip portrait from the field.


Curlew Sandpiper

Your generous support will fund our field trips for the semester, maintenance and improvement of our bird specimen collection, class optics collection and field guide library. You will get signed trip bird lists, thank you notes from the class, and a copy of our trip portrait from the field.


Whooping Crane

Your generous support will fund our field trips for the semester and future semesters, maintenance and improvement of our bird specimen collection, class optics collection and field guide library. You will get signed trip bird lists, thank you notes from the class, and a copy of our trip portrait from the field.

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