UPDATE on Oct. 3, 2019
As of this morning, Oh the Places We Go: Help Classics Grads Travel is only $765 away from meeting our stretch goal of $2,500! We need your help in these last hours of our Fundraiser! If you haven't donated, would you consider donating to our Hornraiser? A donation of any amount will help bring us closer to our goal! If you’re not able to donate today, that’s okay! Every like and share online helps us spread the message about our fundraiser to your community and beyond in these crucial last hours. Any sharing, liking, or retweeting you can do before Friday morning (Oct 4th at 9am) is incredibly helpful, in conjunction with letting friends, family, and colleagues know by word of mouth. In addition to our Facebook page (UT Classics), we are also on Twitter (@UTclassics), Instagram (@ut_austin_classics), and Medium. Please also check out our most recent “Ask Us Anything” Video on Facebook, and our videos on our YouTube channel. Thanks, y'all! We are so incredibly appreciative of your support and generosity!
UPDATE on Sep. 16, 2019
As of this evening, Oh the Places We Go: Help Classics Grads Travel is 103% funded: $175 over our $5,000 goal!
There are not enough words to express our gratitude for all of our amazing donors and supporters. We are so humbled by our community’s gifts; thank you for believing in our graduate students and giving them support in their scholarly endeavors! We still have 18 days left in our fundraiser, and are setting a stretch goal of $2,500, for a total of $7,500. Every additional donation goes toward making travel more accessible for our students, and the stretch goal of $2,500 will help fund travel expenses of 5 additional graduate students. These gifts will not only help graduate students for travel this year, but also those who need funding in the future. Please donate, share, and spread the word; the more you do, the more opportunities you give to our graduate students!
We are a group of Classics graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin, which has one of the largest and most renowned Classics programs in the country.
We study the literature, material culture, and history of the ancient Mediterranean world, which ranges from Spain to Constantinople, from Hadrian’s Wall to Alexandria, and spans thousands of years. As graduate students, we are not just students, we are researchers. We have won prestigious fellowships, published in academic journals, and contributed to discipline-changing research.
To study what we study at a professional level, however, we need to travel. We need to go both to the Mediterranean in order to excavate ancient ruins and to various universities, museums, and libraries around the world so we can access resources that are not available in Texas. Being able to travel is essential both for continuing our innovative research and connecting with professionals in academia and beyond.
University travel funding will normally cover plane fare and lodging, but there are a lot of other expenses that prohibit travel on a graduate student salary. Your gift will help a graduate student pay for meals, equipment, registration fees, and other travel-related expenses, which prevent many students from conducting their research and engaging in professional development. Please give now and make our research possible!
The corona civica was a crown of oak leaves awarded by the Senate to a Roman citizen who saved the life of a fellow citizen during a battle. For your gift of fifty dollars, you’ll receive our metaphorical corona civica for feeding two graduate students for a day.
Once painted with beautiful colors, marble sculptures are one of our best preserved remnants of the Classical world. Your gift, which will pay for one student’s round trip bus or train fare to a dig site from the airport, will contribute to the further discovery and preservation of these remnants of the Classical past.
Bronze tripods were sacrificial objects awarded as prizes at athletic games and other contests. With your generous gift of $150, you too can be lauded as a winner for fully funding the equipment one student archaeologist needs for at least 2-3 trips (trowels, work boots, hard hat, dig-appropriate clothing, etc.).
According to ancient legend, the palladium was a sacred object that once protected Troy. Later it was moved to Rome, where it protected the city for centuries. Like a palladium of travel, your gift will provide safe passage for one graduate student by fully funding their travel-related expenses.
According to Homer, the divinely forged Shield of Achilles was the most beautiful and powerful piece of armor in the Trojan War. You can make a similarly beautiful gift by fully funding the travel-related expenses of three graduate students.
The highest prize an athlete could win at the Olympic Games was a simple laurel wreath. You can be the greatest victor of all by funding our entire project and completely supporting ten graduate students in their travel and research endeavors!