About Bold Women in Chemistry (BWIC)
Bold Women in Chemistry (BWIC) was founded at UT Austin in 2017 by a group of graduate and undergraduate women in chemistry to provide opportunities and space in the academic chemistry community for mentorship, guidance, and outreach by and for women. Our goals include:
Why BWIC Needs Your Support
Every year, many talented UT undergraduate women majoring in chemistry work hard to tackle challenging research problems to increase their chances of attending their dream graduate program. However, costly application fees, test preparation materials, and administrative fees associated with sending transcripts and test scores to multiple programs limit access to these programs. We want to use the funds raised here to minimize these barriers to education for these hard-working undergraduate women chemists.
We know the education our women receive here at UT Austin is one of the best in the country -- and we want to send these talented students to the best institutions in the country and beyond. Help us empower our undergraduate chemists: be the catalyst that lowers the activation energy required to overcome these financial barriers to success!
Be Bold by Supporting BWIC!
BWIC is extremely grateful for your support. Gifts of any size will help provide our undergraduate women with the funds needed for them to pursue a higher degree in chemistry. By donating today, you will be supporting bold women in STEM by creating a pathway for female scientists to succeed!
Fore more information on BWIC, please visit the BWIC website or contact us at boldwomeninchem@gmail.com. Follow BWIC on Instagram at @boldwomeninchem and Twitter @BoldWomenInChem.
Your gift of $20.18 covers the cost of sending UT transcripts or sending GRE test scores to schools.
Your gift of $40.08 covers the cost of test preparation materials.
Your gift of $83.79 covers the cost of an application to a public graduate school.
Your gift of $107.87 covers the cost of an application to a private graduate school.
Your gift of $151.96 covers the cost of the additional application fees for students applying to abroad graduate schools.
Your gift of $196.97 covers the cost of registration fees for GRE tests.
The Precious Metal Bundle (Ag, Au, Pt) provides a scholarship for one student. The scholarship would be broken down as follows: $250 for the GRE Chemistry Subject Test registration, $200 for applying to two reach graduate schools, and $50 for sending UT transcripts and GRE test scores to two graduate schools.
Your gift of $1,000.00 provides a scholarship for two students.