Thank you for donating to the Cactus Yearbook!
Your donations will help UT's longest running publication stay in print so that students can consume their memories year after year.
Hook ‘Em Horns and Texas Forever!
Who We Are
The Cactus Yearbook is the longest-running publication at the University of Texas at Austin. For over 127 years, the Cactus has produced the Yearbook commemorating student life, athletics, and newsworthy events.
What We Do
The Cactus' main goal is to produce a yearbook that includes all aspects of the student body at UT Austin. Our staff is a diverse group that is composed of students from a variety of majors and backgrounds. From photographers, copywriters, and the editorial staff, the Cactus strives to create a publication that will live on the Forty Acres forever.
How Can You Help?
This year, the Cactus' goal is to raise money for photography equipment, advertising merchandise, and catering for staff-wide meetings. In the past, the Cactus has relied on other organizations' photography equipment. This year, we would like to purchase our own digital merchandise so the Cactus can provide its photographers with the supplies they need to capture unforgettable moments. Not many students are aware that the university has a yearbook. With advertising merchandise, we will be able to have our brand circulate around campus. Finally, we would like to provide our staff with food during publication meetings. With rigorous deadlines and how often we meet, the staff deserves a healthy environment that supports creativity.
Your donation will help us get the word out about the 127th edition of the Cactus Yearbook. Be on the lookout for buttons, stickers, and t-shirts!
Your donation will help the Cactus provide catering for marketing events as well as meetings to meet rigorous deadlines! Help us continue the legacy of the longest-running publication at the University!
...Will change the Cactus forever! Your donation will help us purchase photography equipment to better capture and commemorate student life on campus.
Give a gift of $127 to honor the 127th edition of the Cactus Yearbook.