Since we launched the podcast we've published 35 episodes. Support the podcast so we can continue publishing new conversations on compelling issues!
Each episode strives to make scholarly topics and research accessible to a wide audience. As part of that, we create a transcript to make the episodes accessible and easier to find online. Your support at this level will help us create other kinds of supplemental materials like reading lists that help to enrich the listening experience and make the podcast a resource for anyone who wants to explore Jewish history and why it matters.
Recording an interview is only the first step to making a great episode of Jewish History Matters. Support the cost of hiring a professional audio editor for an episode! Supporters at this level and above will be added to a special email list and invited to listen to live-casts of episodes as they are recorded.
We produce the podcast because we believe history matters, and that each topic we focus on in the podcast deserves attention. Producing each episode is an intensive process including research, recording, editing, and more. Underwrite the cost of producing a podcast episode: help us make the project sustainable and showcase why history matters! Each supporter at this level and above get a shout-out on the podcast episode which their generous contribution has helped to make possible.
We've experimented with producing mini-series that bring together multiple episodes on a central topic, and we want to continue to create compelling content and illustrate the dynamic facets of Jewish studies. Your support at this level will underwrite the production of three episodes, allowing us to produce mini-series on topics like antisemitism, migration, Jewish thought, and Biblical studies. Each supporter at this level get our eternal gratitude and will get a shout-out on the podcast episodes.
In October 2018, we had about 1,200 downloads — and in October 2019, that number more than doubled to 2,987! Your support at this level underwrites our continued growth enabling us to produce new episodes and also promotional materials like short videos to spread the word about the project, or lesson plans and bibliographies that can be used in the classroom so Jewish History Matters can become a pedagogical resource too. Funders who make a tremendously generous contribution at this level will be listed,. if you want, on our website and get a shout-out in the podcast.
Support the production of the entire podcast season (20 episodes) with a generous donation that will fully cover the costs of recording and production. A donation at this level will radically increase our ability to spread the message about how Jewish history matters. A benefactor at this level will have our unending thanks and we will list you, if you want, on the website and in the episodes.