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Help us improve sanitation conditions for communities in crisis!

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
49 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners
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Humanitarian Activist

Everyday, roughly 37,000 people are forced to flee their homes due to conflict. With your gift of $37, you are a humanitarian activist.


Human Rights Advocate

Our biodigester facilitates a natural process called anaerobic digestion. This process reduces pathogen counts (the things that make people sick) in waste. This process is carried out by bacteria that live around body temperature, or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. With your gift of $98.60, you are supporting the use of science and research to help meet the basic needs of displaced and marginalized communities.


Community Leader

Poor sanitation poses a huge risk to the environment, along with public health. Through your donation, you are supporting the protection of the environments at risk from the lack of adequate waste processing, including the world’s longest natural beach, which is in Cox's Bazar and is 120 km long!


Social Reformer

Only 3% of refugees globally enroll in college or university. Lack of adequate sanitation impedes students' ability to attend school. By supporting improved access to sanitation, you are supporting access to education and better futures for refugees around the world!


Hygiene Revolutionist

There are 70.8 million displaced persons worldwide, according to the UNHCR. Many of these people have to live in refugee camps that have no sanitation infrastructure. Your donation is supporting the development of a device that can be deployed to refugee camps to lower pathogen counts in waste and improve hygiene for the community!


Global Ambassador

There are an estimated 919,000 people living in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, currently the largest refugee camp in the world.


Sanitation Superhero

The UN Sustainable Development Goal for sanitation includes to end open defication and achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene by 2030. By supporting our project, you will help further develop resources that help meet this goal.

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