Thank you for your support! We are now in our FINAL WEEK!
Happy Monday! We have raised over $12,800 through HornRaiser and Venmo, which is over 75% of our $17,000 goal!
We are amazed at our progress and are excited to push to the end of our fundraiser on Friday at 9AM! Here is how you can help us reach our $17,000 goal by Friday:
There are 3 prizes and 3 winners!
1st place: Apple Airpods ($150 value)
2nd place: 2 36oz Yeti Ramblers ($100 value)
3rd place: Amazon Firestick ($50 value)
Venmo $5/entry to @PUC_CR with the note "Mega Raffle" to enter the raffle!
Final Week BAKE SALE
We will be hosting another bake sale tomorrow (12/03) in front of ECJ from 10AM to 2PM! Stop by to support our cause and get some yummy homemade pastries! Payment is completely donation based!
As always, thank you for joining us on this fundraising journey - we couldn't do this without you!
Pura Vida and Hook 'Em!
PUC Team Costa Rica 2019-2020
Thank you all for your contributions so far!
We have raised just under $7000 through HornRaiser and Venmo, which is over 40% of our $17,000 goal.
Our goal is to hit 50% by this Wednesday, and here's how you can help:
Austin Bouldering Project Raffle
Venmo $2/entry to @PUC_CR to enter a raffle for 4 ABP passes. Make sure you put "ABP Raffle" in the note of your payment!
Bake Sale
Tomorrow at the EER from 10AM-2PM, we will have our first bake sale selling homemade pastries and desserts - come say hi!
Again, thank you for joining us on this fundraising journey - we couldn't do this without you!
Pura Vida and Hook 'Em!
PUC Team Costa Rica 2019-2020
Thank you all for your contributions so far!
In the past two days 31 people have donated to our HornRaiser and 20+ people have donated through Venmo. At the start of Day 3, we have raised a total of $3,000!
However, we are still very far from our Day 3 goal, which is 30% of our total goal or $5,100. Please continue to share our campaign with friends and continue donating! We still have a long way to go until we can fully fund a drainage system for Lorena Village's community soccer field, but we are confident that with your help and contributions we can make this a reality!
Pura Vida and Hook 'em!
PUC Team Costa Rica
The soccer field we will be redesigning and restoring has an area of 6,313 meters squared.
The Guanacaste Region of Costa Rica receives 70.8 inches of rain on average each year.
98.1% of Costa Rica’s electricity comes from sustainable sources.
In 1949, after their civil war, Costa Rica abolished its standing army and directed those funds towards education and health care.
We will be in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, which is named after the national tree of Costa Rica. The tree can grow to be 25-35 meters tall.
Arenal Volcano is said to be around 5,358 ft high. This volcano is one of most known images associated with Costa Rica and features as one of the three peaks on their national flag.
In Costa Rica, couples call each other ‘La media naraja’ (the other half of the orange) as a term of endearment, and this is our halfway goal!
The highest peak in Costa Rica is Mount Chiripo, which reached a height of 12,530 ft.