Thank you!!!
Because of everyone's support we have made it to 100% of our goal of $8,000. Thank you so much! We could have never done this without your support.
With these funds, we will continue to work to create a device that will fabricate feminine hygiene products for women in refugee camps.
If you have not done so already, feel free to follow us on Facebook! We will continue to post progress updates there.
Once again, thank you so much
Team PAD
Hello everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated or shared this project to their friends and family. Because of you, we have reached 68% of our goal! We would appreciate your continued support to push through and reach our goal especially as our fundraiser ends on December 6 at 9 am.
Since our last update, we have been back at work with adjusting the wiring of the device. We are still having problems with overheating with the new wiring, but we will be working with a variable power supply to address this problem.
Today we also had our Milestone 2 presentation! We have gotten a lot of ideas from engineers in industry on ways we may be able to solve our problems with uneven pressure and wiring. Going forward, we are planning to continue working on modifying the current prototype through the end of the semester, so we are ready to build three prototypes in the spring.
Finally, we had a bake sale before Thanksgiving break where we raised about $290! We are thankful for all of your support. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!
Team PAD
Hello everyone!! We reached 50% of our goal this week! Thank you so much to everyone that has helped us out so far! It really means so much to us.
This week we have kept up the hard work on our device. Last week we were having problems with too much power input so we decided to change out the power supply to a lower voltage, going from 12 V to 5 V. We also rewired the rest of the heating elements to be able to have a complete loop and remove the gap in the wires. Once we did this, the amount of power into each heating element was reduced but it is still getting too hot. We will be exploring other wiring options and a lower voltage power supply moving forward!
We are also very excited because this Friday is Lebanese Independence Day so we are celebrating by having a bake sale on campus!
Have a great week and donate!
Team Pad
Hi all! First of all we would like thank everyone that has donated so far. If you are reading this right now and have not donated, please donate! We would really appreciate it.
Right now, 70% of the fabrication time for pads is doing touch ups. It is difficult to achieve a perfect seal all the way around because the way the device is currently wired creates a gap at the bottom of the pads. The wires of the heating element cannot come in contact or else it will create a short in the circuit. One of our main objectives is to remedy this issue to make a seal on the pads without any gaps or holes. We have been working hard this week on experimenting with rewiring Gertrude 1. We established a new parallel wiring system that is a complete loop but now pulls too much current. Our next step is control the amount of current and power into the heating elements to keep them from getting too hot.
We also have a conference call with our Red Cross sponsor in Geneva this week so we are excited to update him on the project and fundraiser! Keep donating y'all and have a great week!
Our goal is to create pads at about 5 cents per piece. By donating $25 we will be able to buy enough materials to create 500 pads.
At 5 cents per pad, this would be enough to buy material to fabricate 1000 pads for women in refugee camps.
96% of Syrian women in Lebanese refugee camps have not received menstrual hygiene aid.
This will support a year's supply of pads for fifteen refugee women!
The second prototype ever made, Gertrude 1, cost around $500 so this would help us build a whole new prototype!
Fun fact: November 22, 1943 is Lebanese Independence Day! Celebrate with us by donating!
Fun fact: The Mount Lebanon range spans almost all of Lebanon with an average elevation of 2500 meters.