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Thank you for helping us get to our goal. Every donation counts, and yours is certainly appreciated. You will receive an Instagram shout out from @texaswushu!
Thank you for your generous donation to Texas Wushu! This is no small amount, and your donation of $80 will pay for six pairs of premium white Feiyue shoes for our members!
This donation not only propels us closer towards our goal, but allows us to provide wushu silks that would otherwise be hard to purchase in the US.Your first-rate donation of $160 has given us the opportunity to provide ten members with customized athletic uniform tops!
Thank you so much for the generous donation of $250! This amount is enough to send a single student completely free to Collegiates!
Your generous gift propels us to almost half of our goal and provides for two students to go completely free for Collegiates! This also accounts for almost five satin wushu uniforms, or two premium silk ones.
Your contribution of $1200 not only covers the entire the costs of about three students' travel costs for Collegiates, but also helps equip members and allow us to travel to different competitions besides Collegiates, earning you the title of dragon!