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This project is now in update mode. Check back regularly to see how things are progressing.

Longhorn Lights Out

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
88 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 07, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Update 9: Thank you!

May 10, 2016

Hello Energy Conservationists!

Thank you so much for supporting Longhorn Lights Out right up to the end of our HornRaiser Campaign. Our campaign ended this past Saturday. With your support, we were able to finish out strong by raising a total of $2,874 towards our cause! That is 71% of our goal!

We know that we will be able to have a much bigger impact with the support of these funds. This past week, we had a budgeting meeting and have been able to allocate enough money to add 7 mini events for next year! In addition to our usual 7 main events each school year, we will also be holding 7 mini events where a select group of dedicated Longhorn Lights Out members will be able to volunteer and help turn lights off around campus. We hope that these mini events will widen our impact across campus.

This will not be the last time you hear from me! I will continue posting monthly updates of the organization's progress to keep our wonderful supporters in the loop.

Thank you for joining the dark side!

Christina Nania, Vice President

Update 8: Post 40 for Forty and Last Week of the HornRaiser Campaign

May 04, 2016

Hello everybody!

We only have 3 days left in our campaign, and we would like to say thank you so much for supporting our organization. This organization stands for the very important cause of energy conservation and sustainability. With your support and donations, we are able to project that message to the university and educate so many people about creating a more sustainable world. 

Thanks to our many donors last week from 40 for Forty, we are now at 71% of our goal. Thank you so much to everyone that supports us! We still have 29% left to go in these last couple of days, so if you can, please help us in our effort to reach our $4,000 goal!

As we wrap up the semester, we can't help but feel so grateful for the participation of UT students and faculty in or lights out events. We are also extremely grateful to our donors who provide us with the resources to host our educational events and lights out events. What we do could not be possible without you all.

Thank you for joining the dark side!

Christina Nania, Vice President

Update 7: 40 for Forty Campaign Reminder

April 28, 2016

Hello Sustainability Supporters!

I am sending this special mid-week update to remind you all that the 40 for Forty fundraising campaign ends tonight at 8PM! Please support us by donating or spreading the word! This is UT's largest fundraising event of the year and a lot of great organizations are fundraising along with us. Here is the link to the campaign website:

To donate, hit the "Give now" button, select "Student Organizations" for the Department/Program and select "Longhorn Lights Out" for the Fund Designation. 

So far, we have won the 1000th donor challenge. This got us an extra $500 towards our campaign! We are still eligible for more prizes, so please help us by donating or spreading the word! The competitions are based on the number of donors, not the amount of donation, so if you get the chance to donate even $1, that would help us out greatly!

Thank you for all of your support so far! We could not do what we do without you all!

Christina Nania, Vice President 

Update 6: 40 for Forty Campaign and Earth Day Results

April 26, 2016

Hello Everyone!

We hope you had a great Earth Day and Earth Week last week! We know we did :) The tower looked beautiful unlit on Thursday evening to usher in Earth Day. We began Earth Day by tabling at the Earth Day Carnival in front of Gregory Gym and had the chance to educate so many people about Longhorn Lights Out and energy conservation. We hope that we had a good impact on the environment and the community yesterday with our outreach. Friday night, we hosted our monthly Lights Out event. 65 UT students participated and spread out over 12 campus buildings. We saved an approximate total of 3,915.74 KWh of energy! Congratulations everyone! This data does not include the energy saved from turning off the tower the night before, so it probably is a little higher!

We would like to thank Energy Enthusiast, Peter Tsan, and Conservation Contributor, Alex Hershey, for their generous donations this week. We are 37% of the way to our goal! We still have 11 days left in our campaign and would greatly appreciate your support! 

Tomorrow morning (4/27) at 4AM begins the student section of the 40 for Forty Fundraising Campaign. It will end the following day (4/28) at 8PM. This is a forty-hour UT fundraising campaign which awards student groups who receive the most number of donations during the fundraising time. We have the potential to win bonus money from gifts during this time, so please help us by donating or spreading the word!

If you would like more information on 40 for Forty, please visit their website!

Thank you for all your support!

Christina Nania, Vice President 

Here are a few pictures from Earth Week! Enjoy!

Update 5: Happy Earth Week!

April 19, 2016

Happy Earth Week Everyone!!!

This week is a busy one for Longhorn Lights Out. Thursday night the tower will go dark in honor of Earth Day. Do not forget to check it out! We will also be tabling at the Earth Day Carnival this Friday from 10AM to 2PM. Please come and stop by to support us and play some light saber ring toss! Later in the evening we will be holding a Lights Out Event starting at 6PM for students. We are hoping for a large turn out! At the end of the evening, we will compile our results with ACC and Penn State who are also participating in Campus Lights Out.

Right now we are about 35% of the way to our goal! Thank you to our one anonymous Energy Enthusiast this week. We still have 18 days left in our Hornraiser Campaign, so please continue to spread the word. We are hoping to reach our $4,000 goal by the end of the campaign!

Longhorn Lights Out will also be participating in the Forty for Forty Fundraising campaign next week, April 27th at 4AM to April 28th at 8PM. In this campaign, we are trying to get the biggest number of donations every 10 hours to win bonus money. Please spread the word and support us through online giving at this time.

Have a great Earth Week! We will update you with the results from Friday's event next week.

Christina Nania, Vice President 


Update 4: One-Third of the Way to our Goal!

April 12, 2016

Good Evening Everyone!

Today we reached 34% of our goal and we are very excited! Thank you to our supporters and donors for their continuous support! We could not do this without you. As a donor to Longhorn Lights Out, you are helping us create a more sustainable world and address the issue of energy conservation.

This week we made the decision to extend our campaign to 45 days. With this extension, we now have 25 days left in our campaign! Please help us continue to get the word out and help us reach our goal.

We would like to thank this week's donors: Sustainability Supporter - Melissa Gargani; Green Giver - M-E Engineers, Inc.

Thank you all so much for your support!

In other news, this week the Longhorn Lights Out Officers are preparing for our Campus Lights Out event next Friday, April 22nd. UT along with a few other universities across the nation will be participating in a lights out event together by turning lights off on our individual campuses and then compiling the results together. This way we can see what kind of national impact our university energy conservation initiatives can have. No matter where you are this Earth Day, we urge you to participate in our conservation efforts by turning off lights and electronics in your own home.

Thank you for all your generosity and support!

Christina Nania, Vice President

Update 3: End of Week 2 Update

April 05, 2016

Hello Sustainability Supporters!

As we reach the end of week 2 of our HornRaiser campaign, the officers at Longhorn Lights Out would like to thank you all again for donating and supporting our organization. After only 2 weeks, we have already raised 25% of our goal!

We would like to thank this past week's donors: Energy Enthusiast - Bernard Piotrowski; Conservation Contributors - Claudia Rao and Elizabeth Conger; and Sustainability Supporters - Jay John Nania and Chris Nania. Thank you for aiding us in our goal to create a more sustainable campus and world!

In other news, Longhorn Lights Out is preparing for our big Earth Day volunteer event on April 22nd. We are constantly amazed at the amount of support from UT students we receive at our events and are excited to have the chance to educate students about sustainability on Earth Day. We will also be coordinating with other universities around the US for a Campus Lights Out effort in honor of Earth Day. More information on this event will be forthcoming!

In the mean time, here are a couple of fun facts about sustainability and energy consumption:

25% of the energy used in the world is used by the United States!

There are 10 LEED buildings on UT's campus (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Have a great week!

Christina Nania, Vice President

Update 2: March Event Results

March 30, 2016

Happy Wednesday Longhorn Lights Out Supporters!


Thank you so much for helping us achieve our conservation goals with your donations. We have now reached 16% of our goal with still 23 days left! Please continue to spread the word and help us reach our goal!


We would like to thank our donors so far for this week: Energy Enthusiasts - Julia Zhou and Min Liao, as well as our anonymous donors! Thank you for your support!


The results are in from last Friday’s event. With the help of nearly 120 volunteers, we saved 4,042 kilowatt/hours of energy! Our volunteers went out to 63 campus buildings and turned off 3,563 lights, 264 computers, 368 monitors, 82 printers, and 176 other devices. Together we saved the equivalent of 3.5 months of electricity for the average Texas home! If you would like to view our infographic, check it out on our website!


Thank you for all your support!


Christina Nania, Vice President

Update 1: First Week

March 26, 2016

Good Morning Energy Conservation Supporters!


After only three full days of fundraising, we have reached 13% of our goal. We would like to thank this week’s donors for their contributions to the cause:

Energy Enthusiasts – Cindy Wang, Lin Wang, William Conger, and Susan Piotrowski.

Conservation Contributors – Stephanie Perrone, Yihong Chen, Qiang Lu.

Sustainability Supporters – Silvia Orengo-Nania.

We would also like to thank our anonymous donors.


With the money we have raised so far, we can support 70 students at our events and turn off 6,300 lights and devices!


Yesterday, Longhorn Lights Out hosted our March conservation event. Nearly 120 students attended! This is the highest attendance we have had in our history. The night started off with a visit from Jim Walker, the Director of Sustainability at UT. He spoke at our meeting and informed our attendees about the Sustainability Master Plan. Afterwards, our volunteers dispersed to turn off lights all around campus. Upon their return, they participated in sustainability and conservation trivia while they enjoyed some well-earned pizza. We also conducted our photo competition and had several nice pictures win prizes! You can see those entries on our twitter page. We will send an update as soon as we get the results from Friday’s event.


Thank you for your support so far, and continue to join the dark side!


Christina Nania, Vice President 

Choose a giving level


Energy Enthusiast

With this donation, you will help us turn off approximately 300 lights and devices!


Conservation Contributor

With this donation, you will help us support 10 students and turn off nearly 600 lights and devices!


Sustainability Supporter

At this level, you can help us turn off 1200 lights and devices. This will support nearly 20 students at an engaging and educational LLO event!


Green Giver

At this level, you will sponsor nearly 50 students for an event to turn off 3000 lights and devices!


Preservation Patron

Your donation will turn off 5,975 lights and devices, and support an entire LLO event of over 90 volunteers! We will thank you from our Facebook page for your generosity.


Environmental Enabler

You will help turn off about 11,950 lights and devices. This would help sponsor two complete LLO events! To show our appreciation, we will thank you from our Facebook page, as well as invite you out to an LLO event to experience energy conservation first-hand.


Donor of Darkness

With this generous donation, you will turn off about 23,900 lights and devices. This will allow us to hold an entire semester of LLO events! To show our appreciation, we will thank you from our Facebook page, as well as invite you out to an LLO event to experience energy conservation first-hand. As an added bonus for the first 5 donors at this level, you and a guest are invited to join us on a private tour of the top of the tower we are taking on Sunday, April 17th, 2016 at 2 PM in anticipation for the tower going dark on a night during Earth Week.

Our Crowdfunding Groups