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Support the UT BME Graduate Student Society

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 06, at 09:00 AM CST
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Rip Ripperger's Legacy

The UT BME program was established in 1966 with Rip Ripperger as its first department chair, making it 54 years old. Your $54 donation will go toward hosting more coffee hours and social events, helping us to grow together for many more years


BME Builder

Construction on the BME building was completed in 2008, where you can now come find us in our labs at 107 W. Dean Keeton Street! Your $107 will allow us to host an invited speaker and provide lunch for the event



Graduate students work hard and need a break. Your donation of $512 will fund a day of relaxation and networking for BME graduate students. We will use this donation to plan a fun BBQ and Picnic in the Park


Burnt Orange

Show your Texas pride as a burnt orange sponsor and help us fulfill our funding goal in one fell swoop. Funds will be used to host invited speakers, have professional development events, host self-care workshops, and have many more social events which directly benefit BME graduate students at UT


$2020 for 2020

Support the full 2020 year of BME GSS events with our top donation

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