Thank you for supporting our research project. Donors like you ensure that projects like ours happen and without your support we would not be able to bring this project to fruition. Please continue to follow our project progress through our Twitter hashtag and keep an eye out for email updates as we move forward. Maybe what started here with your help will change the world for all individuals impacted by alcohol use disorder.
The laboratory of Dr. Reg
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The average lifespan of a green tea producing plant is between 30 and 50 years. Not just the leaves are used though, the roots can be burned to heat the oven that is used to dry the leaves to make tea.
In 2017, out of all individuals in the United States struggling with alcohol use disorder only 6.5% received treatment.
We share 92% of our DNA with the mouse. That's a lot to have in common with these small but mighty scientific heroes!
Electrophysiology is a technique that allows us to examine the electrical-chemical activity of individual brain cells. How do we do this? We each have a "rig" or a workstation that holds all of our tools and controllers. Your donation will provide us with the resources we need to conduct electrophysiology experiments for one day.
In 2017 19.7 million people in the United States struggled with a substance abuse disorder. Out of those 19.7 million, 74% struggled with alcohol use disorder. That's over 14.5 million people.
Both male mice and female mice are highly motivated to construct nests to maintain body temperature and avoid to predators. Sober mice build great nests but mice experiencing a hangover do not. During nest building, each of our mice have 0.282 ounces worth of building material to construct their mouse-mansions with.
Providing food, water, and housing to each of our mice can get expensive. Your donation will provide room and board to 10 mice for the duration of our research project.
Out of the 14.5 million individuals that struggled with alcohol use disorders in 2017, only 900,000 individuals received treatment. Treatment options are limited. We need to develop better treatments that are more readily available so that a greater number of individuals both seek and receive treatment. Rally for Research donors will have the option of being acknowledged in the manuscript we intend to share our research findings in. Please, if you would like to be acknowledged, do not donate anonymously!
In 1893 something incredible was created: The College of Pharmacy at the University of Texas. The College of Pharmacy is where our laboratory resides and where we, the laboratory of Dr. Regina Mangieri, strive every day to make an impact on the lives of individuals with alcohol use disorder. Your donation will help us take a giant leap towards making this project happen. Dedicated to Science donors will have the option of being acknowledged in the manuscript we intend to share our research findings in. Please, if you would like to be acknowledged, do not donate anonymously!