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Let's light up a community in Africa

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
30 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 06, at 09:00 AM CST
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At 190 million people, Nigeria is the most populous and largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa but about 45% has access to electricity - ACCESS!!!



The country has the capacity to generate 12GW of electric power from existing plants, but most days is only able to generate about one-fifth of the total power supply of North Carolina.



Of the estimated 28 million households, 20 million have no power!



Those with access to electricity, get about four (4) hours of supply over a 24 hour period! The community, where this project is located, has had no grid electricity in years!



Most households earn less than $2 per day, yet those who can afford off-grid (diesel) generators pay up to 5X more for electricity than in the U.S. Most kids still study with candles and kerosene lamps!



Let's get this done, one community at a time! What happens here changes the world.

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