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BurntX: Your Guide to Longhorn Life

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
38 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 06, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

80% of Our Goal Reached!

March 02, 2020

Once again, THANK YOU to our amazing donors. We have raised 80% of our $2,000 goal! There are still 3 days left to donate, so please continue to support us through social media and donating if you haven't already.   


Thanks & Hook 'Em,



We're Almost There!

February 21, 2020

Thank you to all of our amazing donors and ambassadors! We are pleased to be *almost* halfway to our goal of $2,000. Your gifts and support will allow us to offer our staff the resources they need to continue to grow, create, and learn as journalists. To continue supporting, sign up to be an ambassador or share our page on social media! 


Thanks & Hook 'Em,



Thank You & Let's Keep Going!

February 16, 2020

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who have donated! Your donations will help young journalists and creatives acquire incredibly useful and educational equipment. We still have time to meet our goal of $2,000, though! Please share our page, post on social media, and spread the word about BurntX to keep this momentum going. You can also support our organization by checking out our new site at

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Social Media Presets

Presets are a pre-configured look/filter that are applied to photos. These allow for our brand to stand out and have a cohesive aesthetic online.


50 Promotional Stickers

Students love stickers for their notebooks, bikes, bumpers... anywhere. And BurntX writers and readers love to show their Longhorn Lifestyle pride with these stickers.


Interview Microphone Set

Two lapel mics are included - these allow a journalist to record their interviews on their cell phone


140 Promotional Stickers

Students love stickers for their notebooks, bikes, bumpers... anywhere. And BurntX writers and readers love to show their Longhorn Lifestyle pride with these stickers.


iPad case

To protect our illustration tools


Apple Pencil

For digital illustrations


Custom Story

Do you have an idea for a story? Would you like a BurntX writer to bring it to life? This donation puts a writer to work for you!


Video Camera

For vlogs, interviews, stories with a video component


Apple iPad

For creating digital illustrations


Camera - photographer's bundle

Cannon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera Bundle including lenses, flash, filters, tripod, case, batteries, memory cards

Our Crowdfunding Groups