Thank you all for your donations! Due to incredibly generous contributions from our patrons, we have already reached our initial goal amount of $1,000! The overwhelming support has convinced us to add $5,000 to our original goal and set a stretch goal of $6,000 for the remaining time of our fundraising campaign. We realize this is quite an ambitious goal, but depending on how much more we raise, we will be able to operate comfortably for 2 additional years, buy more supplies for students, and maybe even sponsor another school!
The cost listed above is the per-student cost of Texas state registration fees.
This is the retail price of an Arduino microcontroller board. Students who compete in robotics and electric vehicle events may need to get one of these for their devices.
This is the typical price of a balsa flight kit that includes the materials needed to build two planes.
$175 is the total Texas state registration fee for a full team of 15 students.