As the holiday season approaches we want to say thank you so much to all those who have supported us and helped us reach 60% of our goal! With your help we have been able to raise over $4,000 and we hope to fulfill our goal of $7,000 over the next 8 days!
How you can help:
We thank all of you so much for all you're doing and for your continued support!
Pura Vida and Hook'em!
PUC Team Costa Rica 2020-2021
Hello again!
We are so incredibly grateful to all who have donated to our project. Thanks to your generosity and corporate matching, we have raised 45% of our goal in our first week! With the help of 33 donors across 12 states we are almost half way to our goal, but there is still a long way to go!
We hope to hit 65% of our goal by next Friday, November 20th, and here is how you can help:
- Share our HornRaiser link on Facebook
- Send emails to your friends or family members with our link
- If you feel led to, you can participate in our Venmo boards on our teams Instagram platform
Thank you again for all of your donations and help on our fundraising journey - we could not do it without every one of you!
Pura Vida and Hook 'Em!
PUC Team Costa Rica 2020-2021
The soccer field we will be redesigning has an area of 6,313 meters squared
Costa Rica generates almost 99% of its electricity using renewable energy!
Soccer or "football" is played in over 200 countries worldwide, making it the world's most popular sport!
The Guanacaste Region of Costa Rica receives 70.8 inches of rain on average each year.
The earliest game resembling soccer was invented by Chinese Emperor Huang-Ti in 1697 BC. Players kicked a leather ball stuffed with cork and hair!
We will be traveling to the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. It is named after the Guanacaste tree, the national tree of Costa Rica, and can grow between 25-35 feet tall.
The highest point in Costa Rica is Mount Chirripo at 3,820 meters