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The Daily Texan

Raised toward our $6,700 Goal
71 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 22, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Last chance — HornRaiser closes tomorrow at 9 am!

March 21, 2021

Our HornRaiser closes tomorrow at 9 am, so tonight and tomorrow morning are your last chances to donate! Our staff is incredibly thankful for those who have donated already — thank you for supporting student journalism! We are already so excited about where these funds will take our work next semester and beyond. To our friends, family, alums and other community members who have supported our campaign — THANK YOU!

— The Daily Texan management team

Amazing progress, extending the deadline!

February 25, 2021

Thanks to your generous donations, we've reached 75% of our $6,700 HornRaiser goal! We can't express how grateful we are to those of you who have already donated or shared the link with others. Due to inclement weather, The Daily Texan decided not to Tweet out or otherwise promote our HornRaiser last week. Instead, we focused on providing essential information to our community during a severe winter storm. For four days straight, our reporters gathered essential information all hours of the day and our editors and social media team worked hard to coordinate it all. No staffer without power, water or WiFi was asked to work, but because they wanted to help provide critical information to UT students, many did so anyway.

Now, as we return to class and some sense of what has become our new normal, the deadline for our HornRaiser has been extended to March 22. As we continue to get the word out about our fundraiser, we're continually humbled by your support. 

On behalf of the staff of The Daily Texan, we can't thank you enough!


The Daily Texan management team


February 05, 2021

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, we're almost halfway to our $6,700 goal after just two days! We're overwhelmed and so incredibly thankful for the community’s generosity and support for the Texan.

Thank you all so much for supporting student journalism, and we'll be sure to keep you updated as we move forward to our $6,700 goal!

Choose a giving level


Inch Count

At the Texan, a story’s word count is referred to in inches — as in, how many inches of space the story will take up on the page. One inch equals 30 words! A donation in this amount would also cover the cost of a handheld recording device for reporters to use.


Paid Staffers

We currently have 71 people across 13 departments who are paid for their work. These students are called senior staffers, and many have worked at the Texan multiple semesters.


Our History

The Texan began printing in 1900 and will celebrate its 121st anniversary this year.


Full Staff

In addition to the managing editor and editor-in-chief, there were 239 total people working on the Texan's staff last semester.


Word Count

At minimum, a typical Texan story is 390 words! A donation of this size also covers the cost of a used DSLR camera, allowing more students to participate in the photo and video departments.


Average Length

Most of our written content, including news articles, opinion columns and sports coverage, is typically around 600 words in length!


Special Projects

When the Texan prints long-form pieces, they typically start at 33 inches, or 990 words.

Our Crowdfunding Groups