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The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
52 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 11, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners
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Video Wizard

Video fact: AILLA preserves Hi-8, DV, and MiniDV video tapes by digitizing them. Most video tapes recorded in the 20th century are nearing their end of life.


$100 for the Centennial

The Benson Latin American Collection, AILLA's home, turns 100 this year. This giving level honors the centennial!


Data Contributors

The number of people and organizations that have put language materials in AILLA. Help us to fund more deposits from Indigenous organizations all over Latin America!


Languages Represented

There are 420 different Indigenous languages in AILLA. Contribute $1 for each language!


In It for the Long Haul

$1000 goes a long way in the work of our archive!


Hard at Work

Working at AILLA allows students to learn more about Indigenous languages, including the languages of their own parents and grandparents.

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