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Voces Oral History Center
Voces is best known for its oral history interviews and is established as the leading oral history program dedicated exclusively to the Latino experience in the U.S. Since our earliest days, photographs have played a central role in including the Latino perspective in our country’s historical narrative.
Some of the photos are included on our website, but most are hidden from public view. We’re trying to change that now and make them accessible and searchable.
Our goal is to raise $5,000 … and we need your help today.
With your donation, Voces can do the initial technical work necessary to bring these photos into public view.
What many people don’t know ...
is that Voces interview subjects over the years have also allowed us to digitize their photos, letters, diaries. Those photos have been used in publications, documentary films, photo exhibits and more.
These priceless photos have deep historical significance, showing men and women in military uniform, people campaigning for political office, mariachis performing with famous entertainers of the 1950s, the impact of the current pandemic, and Latinos and Latinas celebrating our culture.
The Latino story deserves the very best presentation and ease of discovery. Since 1999, the Voces Oral History Center has done everything possible to make our materials accessible.
Today, we ask for your help.
Every picture tells a story and adds a dimension to the Latino experience.
#VocesCenter #Latinos #Latinas #oralhistory
Among the many photos are those of wedding anniversaries – most popular: 25th and 50th.
Some interview subject files include digital copies of DD214s (discharge documents), certificates, licenses.
In some cases, entire photo albums are digitized – providing unequal historical depth.
Some interview subjects have allowed Voces to digitize diaries and letters to and from people in war zones.
Voces’ photo album will include beautiful portraits taken of interview subjects at the time of the interview.
Invest in Voces and help take us to the next level of our mission and be a part of the storyline that shares the Latina and Latino experience in U.S.