To honor the 20 wooden cows, each decorated by a Winedale class, that live on the Winedale Historical Center Property
To praise the achievements of the previous 51 Summer Classes
To memorialize the total number of characters that have died on the Winedale Stage
To eulogize the number of Cheez-its in a box eaten during snack time by the Summer Class
To commemorate the 567 gallons of Gatorade drunk by the Summer Class
To recognize the 1215 students that have participated in the Spring and Summer Classes
To honor of the total number of lines in the 2022 Spring Class play
To offset the cost of one away weekend stay at the Winedale Historical Center by the Spring Class
To celebrate the number of stitches to takes to create a complete costume of doublet and hose
To underwrite the room and board for the Summer Class for one week of their summer residency at the Winedale Historical Center