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Hispanic Nursing Student Association

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
22 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 11, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

UT's Hispanic Nursing Student Association

     Since its inception in 2011, The University of Texas at Austin Hispanic Nursing Student Association has been making a positive impact on the health of our local community by contributing over 2000 hours of community and volunteer service. Over the last 10 years, HNSA has worked to strengthen our community partnerships with organizations such as the American Heart Association, Con Mi Made, Meals on Wheels, and beyond. Our work with these community partners enriches our nursing education through hands-on learning experiences and increases patient/nurse rapport. Volunteer services include cardiovascular health education and screenings for Latino women, recruitment into the nursing profession, and we also provide much-needed respite care for full-time caregivers through hands-on volunteerism with Alzheimer’s patients. 

Mother's Milk Bank, 2019

     Furthermore, for our individual members, we provide academic support, professional development opportunities, and we work to foster a sense of community for our school’s ethnic minority population HNSA provides academic and psychosocial support through activities such as facilitating guest lectureships, encouraging camaraderie and peer mentorship among HNSA members and alumni, promoting organizational leadership through training and skills development, and fostering interaction between students, faculty, and the community. 

Vestido Rojo, 2019

     These past 2 years, as COVID-19 has affected the trajectory of the world, our organization’s objectives have remained steadfast. We have been working diligently to find safe opportunities for volunteer services in and around the city of Austin. Through Zoom, we continue to hold guest speakers and social events. Although this year is still not quite the same as those in the past, we hope you will join us in this campaign to help create equal opportunities for our members. At the end of every year, one HNSA member is selected to receive a $500 scholarship in support of their academic endeavors. Each year, a current nursing faculty member is selected to review applications and select a recipient whose work embodies the spirit of our organization. Criteria include active member status (documented participation in volunteer, social, and organizational activities) and submission of an application essay that outlines how the student has helped advance HNSA, how they’ve helped others, what they’ve gained from these experiences, what distinguishes them from other applicants.

HopeFest Community Festival, 2021

     HNSA is seeking your support to continue growing these opportunities for our membership. Please consider making a donation at one of the levels listed to the right. We could also use your support by sharing our campaign on social media or within your networks. WE can make a difference, together!                                                                                                                                   


Choose a giving level


Facebook Shoutout

Make a donation of $30 and get a post dedicated to you on our HNSA Facebook!


Thank-You Video

Give $70 and receive a personalized Thank-You video from our HNSA officers!


Alumni Night

Donate $100 and be a part of our end-of-year alumni night!


Thank-You Note

Make a donation of $250 and get a personalized thank-you note from our HNSA officers!


Where Are They Now?

When you make a gift of $500, we will send you a handwritten thank-you letter along with an update from previous years' scholarship recipients!

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