A New TV Show!
Help make season one of HOT SCIENCE a reality!
Gifts will be matched up to $15,000!
Hot Science is a compelling new TV series that makes science fun and relevant for everyone! The show’s mission: inspire children to pursue careers in STEM, enhance science literacy among adults, build a strong 21st century STEM workforce, and make the world a better place!
Your past support has allowed us to shoot and edit ALL 15 episodes of season one. Donations this fall will allow us to complete music, animation, graphics, color correction and sound design for another 5 episodes. Each episode of Hot Science comes with colorful learning and activity guides, a perfect companion in the classroom.
You can watch the first three episodes here.
About the Show
Season one boasts 10.5 hours of science content that can be distributed on national PBS TV stations, YouTube, Hot Science's website and numerous social media channels.
For two decades, the popular lecture series Hot Science - Cool Talks has fascinated Austin audiences. The TV spinoff, Hot Science, continues its spirit of inventiveness, community engagement and learning. From the birth of galaxies to fighting cancer, the show brings leading scientists and their research to the world through engaging storytelling, music and animation.
Hot Science is a collaboration between scientists and artists who are devoted to STEM education. UT’s Environmental Science Institute, the Jackson School of Geosciences, and the Moody College of Communication would be honored if you joined our team.
Help change your world with HOT SCIENCE!
Your gift will double!
Gifts will be matched 1:1 up to $15,000 thanks to generous donors David Martineau and Jan and Orion Knox!
To make a gift by check:
Please make the check out to UT Austin and add to the memo line "Hot Science HornRaiser."
Mail the check to 1 University Station, Mail Stop A3000 Austin, TX 78712.
Support Hot Science TODAY. Any contribution helps! Please click on the funding levels and contribute what you can.
Hot Science features scientists sharing their discoveries with the community.
Hot Science helps inspire children to pursue careers in STEM and promotes science literacy.
From sustainability to extreme weather events, Hot Science features compelling stories.
Creates one teacher guide to further enhance the episode's educational impact
Contributes to the visual editing and color correction of an episode
Your gift contributes to the creation of an entire single episode of Hot Science