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2023 Class Gift: School of Law

Help prepare Texas Law students for great careers at the highest levels of the legal profession and public affairs. So far 0 graduates have supported with gifts totaling $0!

2023 Class Gift: School of Law

The University of Texas School of law trains students to become rigorous analytical thinkers and world-changing professionals. They learn from scholars of national and international stature in the classroom, and are trained by brilliant and dedicated lawyers in the finest set of clinical programs in the country. 

This school prepares its students to become lawyers by representing real clients in real cases. They become advocates by arguing on their feet. They change their own lives by changing the lives of others.

Give today and join the School of Law in the 2023 class gift campaign to engage the best and brightest students in world class hands-on educational experiences, resources and guidance. 


Key areas of impact for your gift:

  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Advance pipeline programs
  • Enhancements to student experience
  • Fund summer and postgraduate public service fellowships
  • Enrich academic and clinical programs
  • Support for faculty teaching and research efforts
  • Other (your choice)


Double your impact today! The Office of the President has offered to DOUBLE any Class Gift donation up to $30,000. In addition, the first 1,000 graduating Longhorns who give $20.23 or more will receive a commemorative Class of 2023 Tower pin.

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