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IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
53 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 21, at 09:00 AM CDT
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Anniversary Donation

For 25 years, IEEE RAS has connected undergraduate students from mechanical, electrical, aerospace, computer, and other engineering (and non-engineering) fields through our passion for robotics and automation.



The VEX U team (GHOST) will compete in VEX U Worlds in Dallas on April 27th!



The Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) starts on June 2nd through June 5th (6/2-5)



This academic year's Robotathon competition took place on November 12th, 2022.



Couchbot, Dancebot, Polargraph, and Talons of Acquisition are our current Demobot projects. Help is make more cool projects!

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