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PCR Automation

Raised toward our $650 Goal
5 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 13, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

PCR Automation Project

Who We Are

We are Engineering and Computational Learning of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics (ECLAIR). Our mission is simple: to give every student the opportunity to pursue any project they wish, 100% funded by us.  

Our Mission

We're here to fundraise for one specific project that we are working on- building a robot to completely automate Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a medical technique used in wet labs across the world. 

Despite the recent rise in technological innovation, this tedious process is still not automated. Today, PCR continues to be done by hand, takes hours to complete, and is prone to human error. With our robot, we can completely automate this process and dramatically improve its speed and accuracy, allowing scientists to focus their efforts elsewhere.

What You Can Do

Please donate to our project and spread the word! Every dollar counts and puts us one step closer to bringing about meaningful technological advancement in the medical field.

Choose a giving level


Base Tier

This will help us fund small hardware items.



This will help us fund more advanced hardware items.



This will help us fund some of our more expensive hardware.



This will help us fund for expensive hardware we wouldn't otherwise be able to afford.



This will fund our entire project!

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