The Department of Radio-Television-Film at The University of Texas at Austin offers a broad range of courses covering media arts, culture, and industry leading to the Bachelor of Science, Master of Fine Arts, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees. Reinventing the model of a traditional "film school," we are one of the few top-ranking U.S. media programs to offer degrees in both practical and theoretical areas —i.e., in both media production and media studies—and incorporate courses in both the humanities and social sciences. The breadth and depth of our curriculum allow us to prepare our students to succeed in a wide range of careers—in industry, the arts, higher education, and public policy. Major film festivals, television outlets, curators, and academic journals have recognized the outstanding work of RTF students, alumni, and faculty.
Our mission is to provide quality education to undergraduate and graduate students in media studies and in the creation of media, to inspire better media practices as well as informed citizen engagement through media literacy, and to create an environment that supports all creative work and scholarly research. A particular goal of all the work of the Department is to explore and promote issues of social justice as they relate to communication.