Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Communication disorders encompass a wide variety of problems in speech, language, and hearing. Speech and language impairments include voice disorder, articulation problems, fluency problems, aphasia, phonological problems, and delays in speech or language. Hearing impairments include partial hearing and deafness. We teach students to understand and treat these challenges throughout the entire lifespan of human development from early childhood through the elder years and encourage them to develop a holistic understanding of the communication process and to investigate new ways to expand the mind’s potential to formulate, absorb, and express ideas. 

Our vision is to be a world leader in research, educational programs, and evidence-based clinical services. We provide comprehensive programs of scholarship to advance the understanding of human communication and related disorders, build foundational knowledge and skills for academic and clinical practice for the professional lifetime, and promote a culture of collaboration and respect for others.

  • We house some of the top programs in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.
  • Undergraduate students can pick between three specializations: Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, or Deaf Education/Deaf Studies.
  • Our faculty members welcome undergraduate students into their labs as there are many opportunities for you to participate in ongoing research projects.
  • Graduate students conduct original research, participate in symposia, and can serve as research assistants.
  • All of those who have earned a Ph.D. in our Department have obtained faculty or other professional positions.
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