We believe journalism serves many vital functions in a democratic society. As the eyes and ears of society, journalism seeks to discover what is going on in the world beyond people's doors and tells them about it. In doing so, journalism strives to reflect and transmit society’s values. The best journalism promotes public accountability of the powerful and encourages a well-informed citizenry.
Our goal is to educate ethical, socially responsible, well-rounded, and fair-minded reporters and producers of visual and verbal messages. We prepare students for lifelong learning beyond their first job by teaching them to be active participants in society who can critically consume as well as produce media content.
The University of Texas at Austin’s School of Journalism started in 1914, in a building that housed heavy printing machinery and was heated by coal-burning stoves. It has grown into the largest and most important program of its kind in Texas, a vital part of one of the nation’s best public universities and now home to courses ranging from mobile app development to international reporting in a digital age.