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Help Senate of College Councils Fund Student Scholarships

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 08, at 09:00 AM CST
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Academic Origins

In 1973, the Constitution of the Senate of College Councils was officially approved by the Board of Regents, marking our origins as an official voice in academics.


50 Years of Service

This year marks 50 years since Senate was officially approved as an organization, and 50 years that we've been serving the UT community.


Increasing Outreach

This semester, thanks to our newly-established Outreach Ad-hoc, we've received over 500 applicants for our Nontraditional Student Scholarship alone, more than 10 times the amount we got last year!


Student Support

With this donation you can fund the entirety of a student's scholarship!


Funding Five Scholarships

Through your donation you will contribute $500 to all of our scholarships, funding half of a student's scholarship for each scholarship we give out!

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