Thank you so much for helping us create a more sustainable campus!

Raising funds for sustainable initiatives at UT

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
32 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 23, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

Raising Funds for Sustainable Initiatives at UT

What is the CEC

The Campus Environmental Center (CEC) stands as a beacon of environmental stewardship, dedicated to enlightening UT students, faculty, and staff about sustainability efforts and resources on our campus. More than a mere organization, the CEC helps students find their niche within sustainability and provides them with a platform to elevate the sustainability infrastructure of our esteemed university. 

It is our vision to build a community empowered to protect people and the environment through leadership, education, and action. Our pursuit of this vision is manifested through educational workshops, vibrant campus events, and passionate advocacy for transformative infrastructure changes. Beyond these endeavors, the CEC houses four project teams, strategically designed to engage and captivate the broader campus community. The CEC is a powerful student-led force, propelling the UT towards a future where sustainability is not just a goal but an inherent part of our collective identity.

Project Team Description & Costs for the Teams

  • Green Events   : Green Events uses your donations to divert hundreds of pounds of student-generated waste from landfills by creating free composting and recycling services for UT events and student organizations. With your donation, we can continue to provide zero-waste consulting and compostable materials for campus events. 

  • Environmental Justice Collective (EJC)   : Seeks to protect people and the planet by empowering students to engage with the environmental movement through participating in discussions and by providing a course list for UT classes with EJ curriculum. With your help EJC can host more cocoa chats; your donations will help cover the costs of room reservations, food, and event supplies.

  • Microfarm   : The first student-run organic farm, offers volunteer opportunities and educates on sustainable farming practices. All produce from the Microfarm goes to the on-campus food pantry. Previous donations have helped provide benches, tables, equipment, sheds, and more. The Microfarm is expanding to provide more free produce to students and needs your help to raise funds for a greenhouse. 

  • Trash to Treasure   : Trash to Treasure uses your donations to divert gently used clothing and dorm goods from landfills by creating affordable thrifting events. Items are exchanged for free at thrift swaps or sold for only $1 at thrift sales on campus. Trash to Treasure uses your donations to help us host these large events and coordinate donation efforts across campus. 

What we are asking for

Your generous, monetary donation empowers us to broaden our project's impact at UT by enhancing our operational capacity. We are looking to raise $1,000 for each project team to help them continue their work. Your support helps us to transform our sustainability goals into a reality and together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of UT members. Thank you for funding our mission to create a more sustainable campus where everyone has access to the necessities for academic and personal success. 


Choose a giving level


CEC Team Member

Thank you for supporting the CEC and its general membership!


CEC Education Events

Thank you for donating to support our educational events!


Environmental Justice

Support the Environmental Justice Collective project team!


Green Events

Support the Green Events project team!


Trash to Treasure

Support the Trash to Treasure project team!



Support the Microfarm project team!


Support All Project teams

Give back to all of the student project teams!


Student Internship

Help support student internship positions in the Campus Environmental Center!

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