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Grand Council Stipends

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
19 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 01, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

Supporting the Growth of Phi Delta Chi Lambda

Who are we?

We are the Lambda chapter of Phi Delta Chi, a professional pharmacy fraternity. Our organization’s mission is to provide a lifelong home for pharmacy professionals inspiring Brotherhood, Leadership, Service, and Scholarship to PharmD students at UT Austin.

What we’re raising funds for?

We are raising funds to send Collegiate Brothers to Phi Delta Chi’s annual national conference, Grand Council, in Charleston, South Carolina this August. This conference is an excellent opportunity for leadership development, service to the pharmacy profession, and networking with thousands of Alumni Brothers. Historically, we've only been able to send one student each year, and are looking to to provide stipends for more students to attend. This would be able to impact the futures of multiple pharmacy students, and contribute to the pharmacy profession as a whole!

What impact can your donation make?

Grand Council can provide Brothers with lifelong connections with other Brothers across the nation. Attendees can be pharmacists, fellow students, national leadership, and regional officers. Through networking, our Lambda Brothers will be able to explore their interests within Phi Delta Chi as well as career opportunities. This conference also builds leadership skills and incorporates professional development opportunities. Only one of our current Brothers has had this experience, and we would love to provide more members with the chance to represent our chapter, learn from others, and return to grow Lambda for the future.

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Red Carnation

Thank you for donating $25


Old Gold

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