Yesterday we raised enough money to cover the costs of two entire classrooms next semester. The TPEI team cannot express how much this means to us and to our students. We are the only organization in the Coleman Unit that provides free credit-bearing education. In practical terms, this means when our students are released from prison, they can get a transcript from the University of Texas at Austin - no indication that it was completed in prison. Some of our students have completed more than a semester’s worth of core credits, which can go towards any degree or career pursuit.
Our mission is simple: provide free, credit-bearing education. Regardless of what our students do after their time with the Texas Prison Education Initiative, we believe education is a right that reminds our students what they are capable of.
As a token of appreciation, I have attached some work from a few brilliant students in the Urban Studies course. Their final project was to develop a community in Houston, Dallas, Austin, or San Antonio using the knowledge from the course. Each area had its own environmental barrier (flooding, railroad tracks, etc.). I had the privilege of watching students present their posters and was floored with the level of knowledge and detail the students put into their communities.
As we continue to raise money, I will keep sharing work from our incredible students.
For now, please know that your money is providing freedom.
Chloe Craig and the TPEI Leadership Team
Your contribution of $25 can supply one student with college basics, including a dictionary, thesaurus, writing manual, and notebook.
Your donation of $175 can provide one student with college basics, course readers and textbooks for the semester, and will cover a student's course fees for a full semester.
Your donation of $2625 can provide an entire classroom of students with college basics, course readers and textbooks for the semester, and will cover a student's course fees for a full semester.
Your donation of $15750 can provide college basics, course readers and textbooks for the semester, and students’ course fees for all classes for one semester.
Your donation of $47,250 can provide college basics, course readers and textbooks, and registration fees for the entire academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Fun fact: in the summer we offer courses like meditation, book clubs, and creative courses like an "Art and Math" course to give our students fun learning experiences outside of credit-bearing courses.