While the 80s produced some of the greatest hits of all time and your parent’s favorite memories, there is one thing that undoubtedly tops all the successes from that decade. The wonderful, magnificent, blessing to everyone, THE college radio station, KVRX. KVRX started at the Student Radio Task Force in 1986, the VE
RY beginning of our career, where students were trying to get a college radio station on The University of Texas campus. After two years of dedication, they became KTSB, the first-ever UT Austin student-run radio station. While this was a huge accomplishment, they were not yet on FM airwaves and were only accessible via cable television. Don’t worry though, because in 1994 the FCC allowed us to share FM airwaves with our amazing sister station, KOOP. We were on the air! In the car! On the radio! This was huge for a college radio station, as many are still not on FM airwaves today. From that moment on that crisp fall day in 1994, we have been known as KVRX 91.7 FM.
If I’m doing the math right, that would mean KVRX has been on FM airwaves for 30 years coming this November. While this is insane, mind-blowing, and possibly a bit rare as the video did kill the radio star, we desperately need your help to ensure we have another 30 years (or at least another one). We have continued on for so long because of our community support, and could not have made it to 30 years without you all, seriously. KVRX has played an important role in the Austin local scene, and it would be devastating if we couldn't continue on our local legacy due to insufficient funds. Please consider donating to our 2024 HornRaiser campaign and help us support not only local artists, but also our members, creatives, and friends too.
- Mary Dougherty, 24-25 Station Manager
You felt bad for us and gave us the same amount of money you spend on your friend's band's cassette tape, who you also feel bad for!!! Thank you friend!
Yes you read that right, it is singular, one ticket! Sorry pal, inflation might just be real.
You see what I did there.... ;) They wouldn't let me list 91.7k so this will do.
For our millennial supporters- YES you have informed everyone you've met that you ARE a fan of LCD Soundsystem. Please consider donating to us before you start spending triple weekly on daycare.
You are either rich, or just have good music taste. Maybe even both, perhaps? Thanks for your contribution in supporting college radio. (Yes you can get a tax write off... plz stop asking)