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School of Law Reunion Scholarship-Class of 2000

School of Law Reunion Scholarship-Class of 2000 Image
Participation Drive
41 Donors
Towards goal of 100 Donors
$22,975.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on April 10, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Getting excited for Reunion Weekend? So is Bevo!

March 25, 2015

Don’t forget to add the UT Football Team’s annual Orange and White Scrimmage to your schedule for the Saturday of Texas Law Reunion Weekend!  The scrimmage at DKR Stadium begins at 1PM on Saturday, April 18th—conveniently located and perfectly timed to follow morning Reunion programs inside the Law School and our annual Lunch on the Lawn. 

Check out our Reunion website for a schedule of specific Texas Law Reunion Weekend events, and if you haven’t yet, don’t forget to register! We look forward to seeing you in less than a month!


April 01, 2015

Fifteen years ago Tom Hanks became the Cast Away, and Erin Brokovich’s legal legacy became a Blockbuster hit. At this time 15 years ago, you were also preparing to graduate from Texas Law and begin your professional careers!

We hope you will be able to join us for Reunion weekend, as we’re looking forward to welcoming you back to the Law School’s campus!  The Class of 2000’s 15th Reunion Party will be on Saturday April 19th at Malverde in downtown Austin, and this will be a great opportunity for each of you to reconnect with old classmates and celebrate each other’s accomplishments since graduating from The University of Texas School of Law. 

If you haven’t yet, please visit the Texas Law Reunion website to register and don’t forget to make a gift to the Class of 2000 Scholarship Fund.  8% of your class has already made an annual contribution to the fund, and they are looking for your additional support.  

Texas Law is "Amazed" By You

April 08, 2015

Fifteen years ago, you all bid each other “Bye Bye Bye” at your Sunflower Ceremony, but now it’s time to return to Texas Law for Reunion Weekend!   Your class party will be on Saturday April 19th at Malverde in downtown Austin, and you can find details about the rest of the weekend’s on-campus events when you register online at the Reunion website.

We are “Amazed” by the generosity of 38 members of your class who have already made a contribution to the Class of 2000 Scholarship Fund, so if you haven’t yet, join your classmates in showing your support for Texas Law! We look forward to celebrating with you and thinking back to the year of your graduation, when NSYNC and Lonestar songs were radio hits! 

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