Flourish a digital certificate of adoption complete with an image of your fossil. Plus the option to have your name on our social media sites! An adoption certificate is provided for all donation levels.
Now that you are on the hierarchy of the Linnaean system for classifying organisms, you will want to know more about your fossil. Learn more about your adopted fossil with a high resolution digital image and explanatory text.
Display a frame ready 8” x 10” glossy print of your adopted fossil. You can create your own collage if you contribute multiple times at this level.
Your fossil joins our Fossil Roulette page "http://fossilroulette.tumblr.com/" complete with context information and the chance to see where your fossil, when it was alive, might have lived in deep time!
Adopt a type fossil and with it a suite of high resolution digital images details about the collection history. The scientific name of every fossil is usually based on one particular specimen-the type. Type fossils are viewed and studied by researchers from around the world.
Your digital image will be labelled so you can learn important anatomical features and point out those to your friends. Add to that a hard copy 3D print and you will be able to experience fully the intriguing design of your fossil.
Join us for lunch and visit the NPL collections at UT. This personal tour will be led by the curator and others with knowledge about the collections. If you are unable to travel we will meet you in the virtual world, via FaceTime or Skype!
A rare chance to own an original, limited edition print. These are a special donation to us from artist Adam Schreiber- a UT alum. The artwork is based on our fossils- a 21st century ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’. http://sashawolf.com/artists/adam-schreiber/