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Help Send 5th Grade Students to Camp Champions

Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 01, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Let's keep pushing!

April 10, 2015

Thank you all for your support thus far! We have 10 days left, let's keep pushing!

Thank you!

April 12, 2015

I just want to take a minute to thank you all for your support! We have raised 31% of our goal so far. Because of supporters like you, I know we will reach our $6,000 goal.

Thank you all for being #UTESchampions

UTES changes lives

April 27, 2015

Greetings Donors, Supporters, and Champions,


I want to thank you all for your support of the Hornraiser project to raise funds to send our 5th grade students to Camp Champions!

We have 4 days left and still have $3,000 to raise; I ask that you share this page with your colleagues and that you continue to be a champion for our cause!

Here is a link to a video that details the dynamic work that UT Elementary does with our little champions!

Also, on the campaign page I have included a written testimonial from a parent about how UTES helped to save her child's life.


Thank you so much for your investment in the lives of these students! You are a real champion!

Choose a giving level



By contributing $25 you will be sponsoring half a day for a student at Camp Champions!


Camp Leader

By contributing $50 you support 1 little camper for 1 day of their 3 day experience! Thank you for investing in a child who will become a champion!


Camp Guru

By contributing $150 you make it possible for 1 little camper to participate in the full 3 day 2 night Camp Champion Experience! Thank you for your investment Camp Guru!



By contributing $300 you will be making it possible for 2 students to attend the 3 day 2 night Camp Champion fieldtrip. Thank you for your investment Champion!



By contributing $450 you are making it possible for 3 little campers to participate in the full 3 day 2 night Camp Champion experience! Thank you for your investment Hero!


Super Hero

By contributing $750 you will be sponsoring 5 little campers to participate in the Camp Champions experience! Thank you for your investment Super Hero!


World Changer

By contributing $1000 you will be investing in 7 little campers so that they can have the full Camp Champions experience! Thank you for being a World Changer!

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