The Ransom Center holds a complete set of Shakespeare's First Folios as well as quartos of his plays. These earliest editions of Shakespeare's works were on display in 2016 during the exhibition "Shakespeare in Print and Performance." Your gift will support our work to share these rare and inspiring collections with students, researchers, and the public.
In 2014, our exhibition "The Making of Gone With The Wind" welcomed a record-breaking number of visitors to the galleries. More than 300 items from the revered film's collections were on display, including the unmistakeable green-velvet curtain dress. With your gift, we can continue to produce high-quality exhibitions that provide intimate perspective on favorite cultural treasures.
In December 2017, the Ransom Center launched an online portal with more than 27,000 images of Gabriel García Márquez's archive, which contains letters, photographs and manuscripts, including the draft for "One Hundred Years of Solitude." Your gift will allow us to develop our digital exhibitions and bring our collections to a wider audience.
Frida Kahlo's "Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird" is one of the Center's most famous and frequently borrowed art works. Since 1990, the painting has traveled to more than 25 museums around the world. Your gift will allow the Ransom Center to expand its reach to travel more exhibitions and to bring more items to the Center through loans.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce pioneered photography with his heliograph "View from the Window at Le Gras" (ca. 1826), which is on permanent display. Your contribution will allow us to encourage discoveries and bring insight at the intersections of history, science, and art.
Of the 49 copies of the Gutenberg Bible that exist, only 21 are known to be complete. At the Ransom Center, you can visit one of these complete copies 363 days of the year. Your gift will support our exhibition program to remain open nearly every day, free to all.