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Field Biology's Bracken Cave Trip

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
30 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 25, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

We're in the final stages!

April 22, 2018

We have passed our goal!  Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.  If you haven't, please consider doing so.  The more money we raise, the more semesters we can offer food for our field trip. The Bracken Cave field trip is a great learning experience for our students, many of whom have never camped before.  It also gives them a glimpse of what it's like to do biological field work.  



Here's a video of a former student talking about the field trip and how helpful it was that we provided food for the trip.


We reached our goal!

April 10, 2018

Thank you to all of our generous donors!  We are grateful for all of the support we have received!  Let's keep it going!  The more money we raise now, the more semesters we will be able to provide our students with food for this very important field trip.  Please contribute to our cause!


Meanwhile, please enjoy this video of Amy Starzak talking about the Bracken Cave field trip.

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One hungry student-ecologist would get fed for two days and at the end of the trip, hopefully feel as David Attenborough does, "It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest."



This level of support feeds two hungry students on our field trip, and help them understand that, "until we recognize the essential role of biology, our attempts to truly unify the universe will remain a train to nowhere." - Robert Lanza


Live Oak

4 students could eat at Bracken Cave and become one of Sylvia Earle's "...heroes: anyone and everyone who does whatever they can to leave the natural world better than they found it."


Mexican free-tailed bat

This would pay for half the food for the field trip, and help to inspire our students in keeping with one of UT's mottos, What Starts Here Changes the World; "Ideas emerge when part of the real or imagined world is studied for its own sake." - E. O. Wilson

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