By donating, you will be funding the cost of part of one of our weekly lessons! Donors will receive a personal thank you message from the Natural Sciences Council.
This amount will fund the cost of supplies for one entire Young Scientist's activity! Donors will receive a mention/shoutout on social media in addition to the previous levels' perks.
Help fund the cost of our LEGO Robot, one of our students favorite activities in Kids Who Code! Donors will receive a thank you video from our students in addition to the previous levels' perks.
This donation will cover the cost of a semester's worth of YS lessons! Donors will receive the ability to feature their name/logo on our Young Scientists shirt.
Help cover the cost of a year's worth of YS activities! Donors will be able to participate in an exclusive meet and greet with NSC students in addition to our other perks!
Help us cover the cost of all the supplies we need for Young Scientists and Kids Who Code, enabling us to potentially expand this program to another school! Donors will be recognized on our YS merchandise, YS t-shirts, and will have the ability to organize or participate in an actual Young Scientists lesson, in addition to the other levels' perks!