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Supporting Research in Comprehensive Care

Raised toward our $15,900 Goal
38 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 20, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Week 1 Update!

September 14, 2018

We would like to thank all our generous donors who contributed to our project! After 1 week we have raised $1,460 in online donations, which is 9% of our goal!


We still have a long way to go, but we believe in you!

Please share our project on social media, email, and spread the word. But most importantly, DONATE!


Our international PhD-students are working hard to discover all aspects of comprehensive care in order to improve patients’ outcomes! Help them to become the best surgeon-scientists by showing that you care, any amount helps (also your donation can be used for tax deductions)!


Thank you!



Choose a giving level


Level 1: Ideas

Your contribution will pave the way for success and is the first step in Supporting Research in Comprehensive care!


Level 2: Enrolling/Data

Your contribution makes sure that we will put a smile on all patients’ faces when we are collecting data!


Level 3: Analyses

Collecting data from patients in clinics takes up lots of time in a week and makes our students very hungry. Your contribution pays for 1 PhD-student’s food and living expenses for a whole month!


Level 4: Manuscripts

PhD-students love to go to conferences to present and to learn. Your contribution will fund a PhD-student's costs to present at a national conference!


Level 5: Publications

Our PhD-students need to travel around town and take care of their health. Your contribution will fund 1 PhD-student’s insurance and travel expenses for a full year!


Level 6: Dissertation

Living abroad can be expensive. Your contribution will fully fund 1 PhD-student’s 1-year rent expenses in the United States! Yup, you… are… awesome!


Bonus Level: PhD

Are you the ultimate donor?! You know you are. With this very generous contribution you are making sure 1 PhD-student can live, work, and devote everything to research for an entire year! THANK YOU!

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