Good evening everyone!
We hope you are enjoying your summer! On behalf of the Ban Huai Yang community, PUC Thailand 138 would like to give a final and huge thank you for your compassion and support for our project to provide accessible clean water to students in Thailand. We had the most amazing time getting to know the students and community through hygiene workshops, games, and dancing! With the help of the community, we successfully built a clean water distribution system for the elementary school and your generosity is what made it possible!
Thank you again,
PUC Thailand 138
Cynthia, Eva, Irina, Jacob, Megan, Michael, and Taylor
To start off the spring semester, the team attended a tiling workshop at Home Depot to learn how to properly cut, assemble and mount tiles. Since then, the team has participated in piping and plumbing workshops, concrete mixing labs, and CMU construction labs with the help of UT’s amazing staff. Practicing these skills before going to country is not only a chance to get hands-on experience, it is also an important way of ensuring that we are able to complete our project on time.
In addition to attending a number of workshops, we have also been working and reworking a miniature sink prototype to determine the most efficient and effective way to build the sink counter top for Ban Huai Yang elementary school. In the photos, you can see our "basket" formwork and the finished product!
All that is left to do is get ready for our trip, which is in just 16 days!!
Good evening everyone, we hope you are having a good weekend!
Our HornRaiser campaign has come to an end and 2 days later, we are still blown away by our 266 donors. We surpassed our goal and raised $15,438!! This is so amazing and we cannot thank you all enough for your generous donations and support. Our team has been hard at work producing preliminary designs, collaborating with technical experts, and researching every aspect of this water project to ensure its success. Please visit us back here on HornRaiser or visit our website to stay updated throughout the course of our project!
Stay warm and thank you again,
Team Thailand 138
Happy Giving Tuesday everyone!
We hope you stayed warm and ate good food this Thanksgiving! We just wanted to share with everyone how thankful we are for your kindness and generosity these past few weeks, it really does warm our hearts to see your support.
We have been hard at work fundraising, organizing the water quality test on site in Thailand, and creating preliminary designs for the sinks. We are continuing to build our relationship with our NGO, The New Life Church, and learning more about the community, their lifestyle, their history, and their culture. We are also consulting with university faculty to learn more about water treatment, hydraulics, materials, and some of the other technical knowledge we will need as we continue to design the water treatment and delivery system.
We hope you take the time to enjoy a short video we put together to remind everyone that today is Giving Tuesday! Make today the day you give back and support causes that you are passionate about!
Please continue to support us and follow our progress here on HornRaiser or on our website:
Team Thailand 138
Good afternoon everyone!
The last couple of days have been very exciting and it is so heartwarming to see everyone's generosity and kindness. We are proud to say that we've reached 23% of our goal in just a few days!
From everyone on Team Thailand 138, thank you to those who have taken the time to learn about our project, shared about our campaign, and donated to our cause! None of this is possible without you. Every like, share, and dollar is a small success worth celebrating. Your support will help make this project a success!
Stay updated by liking our Facebook page and checking out our website!
Team Thailand 138
Your contribution will be utilized by a team of 26 people working to design and implement this project.
Your contribution will ensure that every person at the school gets their daily intake of 64 ounces of water.
Your contribution will provide filtered water for 138 students at Ban Huai Yang Elementary School .
Your contribution will cover the initial maintenance required for the filtration system.
Your contribution will cover the sample testing of the water being transported to the school.
Each water tank at Ban Huai Yang holds 2000 L of unfiltered water.
Your contribution will cover the cost of the sanitary water distribution structure.
Your contribution will cover the cost of the entire filtration system!