Thank you for supporting our efforts to remember those lost to COVID-19. Be well, and seek healing.

The Cranes Project

Raised toward our $75,000 Goal
31 Friends
Project has ended
Project ended on May 28, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners
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Donate a Crane

With this donation, you'll be able to donate and preserve one paper crane in honor of a loved one.



With this donation, you will have helped purchase threads linking one crane with another in the memorial. During this time of social isolation, your donation will help connect one memory of a loved one with another.



There are roughly 21 folds in a paper crane. This donation is equivalent to seven donated preserved cranes-- seven commemorated memories of a loved one(s).



This donation helps purchase materials constructing the reflection benches surrounding the memorial. We hope that these reflection benches will be a place of community in remembrance of lives lost.



The legend of the 1000 paper cranes promises that anyone who folds "senbazuru" (a thousand origami cranes) will be granted a wish by the gods. The wish usually pertains to recovery and healing.



In memory of all those who passed and their healing families.


Golden Crane

Today, at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, there stands a statue of Sadako hold up a golden crane, under which lies the inscription "This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world." This tier funds half of the entire project.

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