Ground Transportation - Once the team is in Dubai, they'll need to get to the competition. Help them out with fare for a ride!
Conference Registration - The PetroBowl Competition takes place during the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE). Help them out with conference registration fees!
Practice Supplies - Leading up to the competition, the team holds weekly practices. Help them out with new practice buzzers!
Study Supplies - Each member of the team not only attends weekly practices, but also commits to individual study time. Help them out with new textbooks and study supplies!
Accommodations - Once the team is in Dubai, they'll need a place to stay. Help them out with local lodging!
Travel Expenses - The team will be traveling internationally from Austin, TX to Dubai, UAE. Help them out with airfare!
Total Expenses - Guarantee the team competes in Dubai by covering the cost of their trip! Website recognition, social media shout-outs, and branding opportunities are available at this level.