Longhorn Stop the Bleed General Fundraiser

Raised toward our $500 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 05, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

Longhorn Stop the Bleed General Fundraiser

Longhorn Stop the Bleed Mission

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 has become the primary focus of public health so Longhorn Stop the Bleed has paused all training workshops since Spring 2020. However, our mission of providing trauma education on UT campus has persevered, evident by the number of organizations still requesting Longhorn Stop the Bleed training workshops. During the Spring and Fall 2020 semesters, the Longhorn StB committee has set the groundwork for multiple research projects, including surveying bystander trauma knowledge and retention of StB knowledge. Future projects include expanding StB curriculum to non-traditional populations in partnership with the Texas School for the Blind and Visually impaired. Funding will contribute to our capabilities to faithfully execute our projects and uphold our mission of educating UT students, staff, and faculty on campus.


Longhorn Stop the Bleed History

Longhorn Stop the Bleed was launched in 2017 in response to the stabbing death of UT student Harrison Brown and the injury of three others. We realized that the Longhorn community needed to be equipped with simple and effective tools to save a life from serious bleeding. Our founder, Claire Zagorski, is a UT alumna and paramedic. She learned about Stop the Bleed, a national program launched after the Sandy Hook shooting, only a few weeks before Harrison’s death, and realizing the potential for the program on the Forty Acres, worked with Dr. Steve Steffensen at Dell Medical School to make the program a reality. 


Longhorn Stop the Bleed Funding

Today, we’ve trained over 4,000 people on how to save a life from bleeding without any formal funding. We are looking forward to the day we can once again offer public classes on campus every month, and host classes at student organization and department meetings, schools, churches, summer camps, fraternity and sorority houses, and more. We are an open and accessible resource for the Longhorn and Austin communities, but we need your help to continue, expand, and get the word out. With your support, we can promote the program, replace worn equipment, purchase more equipment so that we can hold larger classes, and expand our reach out into the Austin community. Help us ensure that when faced with a life and death situation, our community members can act swiftly and decisively to save a life. Please donate today - every dollar counts.


Choose a giving level



2017 is the year Longhorn Stop the Bleed was founded! With this donation, you will receive a shout-out from our social media accounts. (@longhornstb on Facebook and Instagram.)



A $50 donation pays for two training tourniquets. Over its lifetime, each tourniquet will train over 200 people! With this donation, you will receive a shoutout post from our social media accounts. (@longhornstb on Facebook and Instagram.)



We have taught an estimated 200 classes since Longhorn Stop the Bleed started, teaching our community life-saving bleeding control skills. We hope to teach many more classes! Your donation will be acknowledged on our Facebook and Instagram Longhorn Stop the Bleed pages, and we will hold a private Stop the Bleed workshop at your convenience.



$500 helps pay for a rubber training leg, which is an important tool to help us teach students how to wound pack gunshot and stab injuries! This is an important part of the class that equips students with the skills to help someone, no matter what kind of equipment they have access to. Your donation will be acknowledged in all Stop the Bleed training workshops for the next year!

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